Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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241 lines
/* Parse.cpp - functions for parsing moves */
#include "chess.h"
#include "define.h"
#include "funct.h"
#include "const.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
extern int ics;
// Function to parse a move from the human player
// This move is checked then checked to see if it is legal
move parse_move(position p, char mstring[10])
int legal = 0, piece, to_sq = -1, from_sq = -1, promote = QUEEN;
int from_file = -1, from_row = -1, match_count = 0;
move play, mplay[4], nomove; nomove.t = 0;
mplay[0].t = 0; mplay[1].t = 0; mplay[2].t = 0; mplay[3].t = 0;
position t_pos;
move_list list;
// generate the legal moves
legalmoves(&p, &list);
// Examining input move from a human player - checking for
// errors and the legality of the move....
// First resolve the first character - what piece is it?
switch(mstring[0]) {
case 'N': piece = KNIGHT; break;
case 'B': piece = BISHOP; break;
case 'R': piece = ROOK; break;
case 'Q': piece = QUEEN; break;
case 'K': piece = KING; break;
case 'P': piece = PAWN; break;
case 'O': piece = 10; break; // if it is a castle
case '0': piece = 10; break;
case 'o': piece = 10; break;
default : piece = PAWN;
if (piece != 10) { // if is not a castle
// Now cycle throught the rest of the characters looking
// for move squares, capture signals, or promotion signals
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if(!i && piece != PAWN) i++;
switch(mstring[i]) {
case '\0': i = 10; break;
case 'x':
if(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]) <= 7 && CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]) >= 0
&& CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]) <= 7 && CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]) >= 0) {
from_sq = to_sq;
to_sq = SQR(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]), CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]));
i += 2; break;
} else { i += 1; break; }
case '-':
if(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]) <= 7 && CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]) >= 0
&& CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]) <= 7 && CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]) >= 0) {
from_sq = to_sq;
to_sq = SQR(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i+1]), CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+2]));
i += 2; break;
} else { i+= 1; break; }
case '=':
switch(mstring[i+1]) {
case 'N': promote = KNIGHT; break;
case 'B': promote = BISHOP; break;
case 'R': promote = ROOK; break;
case 'Q': promote = QUEEN; break;
i = 10;
case '+': i = 10; break;
if (to_sq == -1 && CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]) <= 7
&& CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]) >=0 && CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) >= 0
&& CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) <= 7) {
to_sq = SQR(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]), CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]));
i += 1;
} else {
if (CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]) <= 7 && CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]) >= 0
&& CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) <= 7 && CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) >= 0) {
from_sq = to_sq;
to_sq = SQR(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]), CHAR_ROW(mstring[i+1]));
switch (mstring[i+2]) {
case 'q': promote = QUEEN; i++; break;
case 'n': promote = KNIGHT; i++; break;
case 'b': promote = BISHOP; i++; break;
case 'r': promote = ROOK; i++; break;
i += 1;
} else {
if(CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) <= 7 && CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]) >= 0)
from_file = CHAR_FILE(mstring[i]);
from_row = CHAR_ROW(mstring[i]);
play.b.from = from_sq; play.b.to = to_sq;
} else { // if it is a castle
if (!strcmp(mstring, "O-O") || !strcmp(mstring, "0-0")
|| !strcmp(mstring, "o-o") || !strcmp(mstring, "O-O+")
|| !strcmp(mstring, "0-0+") || !strcmp(mstring, "o-o+")) {
if (p.wtm) { play.b.from = 4; play.b.to = 6; }
else { play.b.from = 60; play.b.to = 62; }
} else if (!strcmp(mstring, "O-O-O") || !strcmp(mstring, "0-0-0")
|| !strcmp(mstring, "o-o-o") || !strcmp(mstring, "O-O-O+")
|| !strcmp(mstring, "0-0-0+") || !strcmp(mstring, "o-o-o+")) {
if (p.wtm) { play.b.from = 4; play.b.to = 2; }
else { play.b.from = 60; play.b.to = 58; }
// Match up the move in the move list
for (int z = 0; z < list.count; z++)
if (match_count > 2) break;
if (list.mv[z].m.b.to == play.b.to &&
(promote == list.mv[z].m.b.promote || !list.mv[z].m.b.promote))
if (list.mv[z].m.b.from == play.b.from) {
mplay[match_count] = list.mv[z].m;
} else if (FILE(list.mv[z].m.b.from) == from_file &&
p.sq[list.mv[z].m.b.from].type == piece) {
mplay[match_count] = list.mv[z].m;
} else if (RANK(list.mv[z].m.b.from) == from_row &&
p.sq[list.mv[z].m.b.from].type == piece) {
mplay[match_count] = list.mv[z].m;
} else if (from_sq == -1 && from_file == -1 && from_row == -1 &&
p.sq[list.mv[z].m.b.from].type == piece) {
mplay[match_count] = list.mv[z].m;
// check the case where there are two matches but one might
// lead to check so is illegal... the other is then a valid move
while (match_count <= 2 && match_count) {
t_pos = p;
legal = exec_move(&t_pos, mplay[0], 0); // tenatively making the move...
if(match_count == 1) break;
t_pos = p;
if(legal && exec_move(&t_pos, mplay[1], 0))
{ legal = 0; break; }
else if(legal) break;
t_pos = p;
legal = exec_move(&t_pos, mplay[1], 0);
mplay[0] = mplay[1];
// if it is not legal
if (!legal || !match_count) {
return nomove;
return mplay[0];
/* Function to print a single move */
// to a string in long algebraic format
// This function works by simply adding the appropriate
// characters to the move string;
void print_move(position p, move pmove, char mstring[10])
char dummy[10]; // dummy character string
int ptype, pfrom, pto, ppiece;
strcpy(mstring, "");
strcpy(dummy, "");
if(pmove.b.type&CASTLE) { // if it is a castle
if(pmove.b.from > pmove.b.to) sprintf((mstring), "O-O-O");
else sprintf((mstring), "O-O");
} else {
ppiece = p.sq[pmove.b.from].type;
pfrom = pmove.b.from;
pto = pmove.b.to;
ptype = pmove.b.type;
if (ppiece > PAWN)
{ sprintf(mstring, "%c", name[ppiece]); }
switch(ppiece) {
case PAWN:
sprintf(dummy,"%c", char(FILE(pfrom)+97));
case KING:
strcpy(dummy, ""); break;
move_list list;
int add_file = 0;
// generate the legal moves
legalmoves(&p, &list);
// Match up the move in the move list
for (int z = 0; z < list.count; z++) {
if (list.mv[z].m.b.to == pto && list.mv[z].m.b.from != pfrom &&
ppiece == p.sq[list.mv[z].m.b.from].type) {
if(!add_file) {
sprintf(dummy,"%c", char(FILE(pfrom)+97));
add_file = 1;
if(FILE(pfrom) == FILE(list.mv[z].m.b.from)) {
char dummy2[2];
sprintf(dummy2,"%i", (RANK(pfrom)+1));
z = list.count;
if(ptype&CAPTURE) strcat(dummy,"x");
strcat(mstring, dummy);
sprintf(dummy, "%c%i", char(FILE(pmove.b.to)+97), (RANK(pmove.b.to)+1));
strcat(mstring, dummy);
if (pmove.b.type&PROMOTE) {
strcat(mstring, "="); sprintf(dummy, "%c", name[pmove.b.promote]);
strcat(mstring, dummy);
// now execute the move and see if it leads to check or check-mate...